Tuesday, June 18, 2013

2nd Miracle Attributed to Pope John Paul 11

No doubt that Pope John Paul 11 was one of the greatest Pope in the 20th century in the Catholic Church. While he was living on earth as Pope of the Church he was living also in the hearts of the many people.

The second miracle  was attributed to the Pope John Paul 11.

"That was the healing of a French nun, Sister Marie Simon-Pierre, whose recovery from Parkinson’s disease after praying for the late John Paul II’s “intercession” had no medical explanation.
The second miracle reportedly took place on the very day that John Paul II was beatified in a lavish ceremony in St. Peter’s Square on May 1, 2011, but the ANSA report did not describe it.
The Vatican’s Congregation for the Causes of Saints is in charge of examining the “dossiers” of candidates for sainthoods.
For healings to be officially certified as miracles, they must be instantaneous, permanent and with no scientific explanation.
The late pontiff could be formally canonized in October at the close of the “year of faith” launched by his successor Benedict XVI, according to previous media reports."