SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT – Preparing a way for the Lord.
Today in the liturgy we hear again the lonely voice of John the Baptist exhorting us to prepare a way for the Lord. At the start of this celebration let us create a little space so that the Lord can come to us. [Pause].
Today in the liturgy we hear again the lonely voice of John the Baptist exhorting us to prepare a way for the Lord. At the start of this celebration let us create a little space so that the Lord can come to us. [Pause].
John asked the people to repent. Let us now repent of our sins, confessing them and humbly asking forgiveness for them.
I confess to almighty God etc.
I confess to almighty God etc.
First Reading (Isaiah 1121-10). This reading talks about the coming of the Messiah, and the two great gifts he would bring, two gifts the world desperately needs, namely, justice and peace.
First Reading (Isaiah 1121-10). This reading talks about the coming of the Messiah, and the two great gifts he would bring, two gifts the world desperately needs, namely, justice and peace.
Second Reading (Romans 15:4-9). This talks about the importance of hope, and how we should treat others in the same friendly way in which Christ has treated us.
Gospel (Matthew 321-12). We hear once more the voice of John the Baptist, saying to us what he said to his contemporaries: ‘Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is close at hand.’
People are turning away with bitterness from the saturation of promises. Yet the Advent readings glitter with bright promises of the wonderful things that would accompany the coming of the Messiah. Mountains would be leveled out, valleys filled in, winding roads made straight, the desert would bloom, the poor would see justice done, the weak would no longer be exploited, war would be banished from the face of the earth and so on and so forth.
People are turning away with bitterness from the saturation of promises. Yet the Advent readings glitter with bright promises of the wonderful things that would accompany the coming of the Messiah. Mountains would be leveled out, valleys filled in, winding roads made straight, the desert would bloom, the poor would see justice done, the weak would no longer be exploited, war would be banished from the face of the earth and so on and so forth.